Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Post and Beam Cabin


Here is the cabin where I left it at the end of July, basically dried in and missing only the additions and siding (the missing window in the top center has since been put in).

The frame is post and beam, close to 16ft high at the peak, the footprint 16x25, with a large wraparound loft. Here are some interior shots:

The area beneath the loft, where ultimately the bathroom will go:

The temporary kitchen counter, where the kitchen will go:

The french doors, which will go out to the 12x26 addition (living room):

Here you can see I've done the pier foundation for the addition, and it's ready to go for framing:

Here's a shot of the cabin behind the sunflowers:

And a shot of us visiting Big South Fork National Rec Area:

When I can find the rest of the pictures I'll do some articles on the pier foundation and post and beam building, as well as how everything went up there the last 4 months!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you sure made a lot of progress. I'm envious. Ya'll keep up the good work.
