Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cabin Pictures

Here are pictures from the lower story of the cabin.

Here's the temporary kitchen with another OSB counter added. The permanent kitchen will be moved over to the northwest corner of the cabin:

This is the Amish-made Ashland New Decade cook stove. Not yet operable as we haven't received the chimney yet:

Here is the water station where we filter rainwater for drinking and general household use. I bought a 2 gallon coffee thermos, all stainless steel inside, and filled it halfway with activated charcoal. A funnel with a muslin cloth sits at the top of it to prefilter out any small debris in the water. Once we pour the rainwater in, we let it sit with the charcoal for at least 20 minutes, before opening the spigot and let it run out into the metal container beneath. The water's then stored in the 7.5 gallon plastic jug with spigot. We've also got one filled in the freezer for emergency use:

This is the fridge and freezer now plugged in as we have electricity in the building. The freezer's over half-full with stored water, produce from the garden, and many, many bags of frozen wild mushrooms - comb's tooth, oysters, puffballs, and chicken of the woods:

A view of the loft ladder and railing. Eventually I'll either relocate or bump the ladder out to a steep angle so it's easier to use. But for now it works for us:


1 comment:

  1. These pictures are amazing. And what you have done for that loft is mind blowing. It looks like a real professional job. And the ladder looks well made and very sturdy.
