Rain all day yesterday.
Put up more caution tape around the property boundary. I caulked and insulated the windows of the lower story. I started working on shielding the small upper blueberries on the berms. I'm pounding 6" sections of PVC into the ground around each bush, at all four corners, then cutting long saplings to arch over the plant and anchored in the PVC [as I pound it in I take it out and poke out the dirt so there's a good cavity to lodge the ends of the saplings in]. Where the saplings cross above the plant I'll tie them together so there's an even dome over it, then place a piece of bird netting over it and tie it down at the 4 bases of the saplings. The domes are made big enough for next year's growth. It's a long process, with 25 plants to do, but cheap, effective, and practical.
The wild guineas spent most of the afternoon up at the run congregating with our guineas, so we decided to let all our birds out and see how everyone got along now that Bergack has simmered down since his mate Chi Chi's gone. There were lots of fluffed up feathers and bluff charges and angry guinea fighting merry-go-rounds, but once everybody's place on the pecking order was established they all got along quite well. If we could only lure the wild guineas into the coop and shut the door we'd have more guineas and guaranteed good breeding stock. But they're wary about going in the coop, and getting the door shut in time would be difficult considering how skittish they are.
Today we'll get the supplies for the low tunnels and put them in. Rachel's got bread and rolls and 3 pies to bake in the cook stove for Thanksgiving. Last night she was up late shelling acorns to put in the bread.
Watched a great film the other night, Aaron Russo's AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM. Been reading lots of Dave MacGowan's articles also at Center for an Informed America.
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