Monday, November 7, 2011


So warm today we've got to open the windows while running the cook stove. We could go back to appliances, but the wood is free and everywhere, electricity isn't.

We watched Zeitgeist today, and had a long day of caulking and insulating the ceiling of the addition. The caulking and 4 rolls are done - we have 2 more rolls to put in.

I was up late last night researching how to evenly distribute heat throughout a home with a wood stove. The first thing is to seal up the building well and insulate [though of course not airtight], the next thing is ceiling fans in the cathedral ceilings to mix heat around. Structural changes if possible like removing transoms. And if necessary room-to-room fans installed in the walls to move heat from one room to another. We could install 2 in the lower wall of the loft to blow hot air into the addition. They're about $50/$60 a piece.

Tomorrow we're going to Knoxville for Harley's dental appointment, will catch a bath here and catch up on chores through the afternoon, then in the evening there's a meeting at the school for Harley's Beta Club. It'll be a busy day and we'll keep the birds locked up till we get back from Knoxville. We'll let the ducks out though and put them in the pen - they make an absolute mess in the coop sloshing water and drilling.

Beautiful full moon and Jupiter is bright in the eastern sky.


  1. I found your blog earlier this year and while I enjoyed reading of your homesteading adventures, I was disappointed that you hadn't posted in a while. It sounds like you had many life changes over 2010-2011. I'm glad to see you haven't given up on your homesteading dreams. Thanks for sharing your life adventure.

  2. Yep. I was working all winter in Atlanta, then when we moved up here in March we had no internet - so no way to post.
