The garden heavily mulched. Eventually we'll mulch and plant the interior perimeter.
The juneberries fenced and mulched. Eventually all the young fruiting perennials will get this treatment to keep deer and birds and chickens out. We'll lay cheap bird netting over the top.
The fig tree. This needs heavily protected from winter cold.
The growing wood pile in the barn. We spent a few hours yesterday cutting and splitting dead wood at the front of the property for the next cold spell. The wood seasons so well here on the south-facing side of the barn protected from rain - I think eventually we'll attach lean-to sheds on either side of the driveway for wood season and storage.
Very windy yesterday but warm. We can occasionally hear the chimney creaking in its support box socket. Hopefully the extended support brackets come today as it's forecast to be just as windy today [right now though it's rather still and sprinkling].
Birds are doing okay locked up. Going in to roost in the evening no problem. I take them up a bucket of weeds from the garden every morning and throw it into the run. Not only do they get some stimulation and nutrition here, the weeds will ultimately help to build the soil of the run so it rebounds faster after they've trodden it down when locked up.
Didn't even need to run the stove yesterday, it's been so warm.
Just noticed all the potted pepper plants on the table behind the computer are full of red ripening mini-peppers. It was an experiment to see how viable were the seeds in a bag of mini-sweet peppers we bought at the grocery store. So far they've done very well. They get water with the same duckwater/graywater fertigation mix as the garden.
It looks like you have quite a nice garden bed. Can I ask what your food strategy for the winter is? Did you do a lot of canning?
ReplyDeleteExtra food from the garden is put in the chest freezer. We're really just breaking in the garden this year, so it's only so-so productive. Next year we'll try canning and take some food to market.